We Are Developers! First international issue available for download

The "We Are Developers!" summer issue is available in c't, iX, and online. It deals with the future of web development and contains an expert interview on Java.

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(This article is also available in German.)

The summer issue 2022 of the "We Are Developers!" magazine is included in the current issue of c't as well as the upcoming issue of iX. Additionally, it is available for download as a free PDF version. It targets an audience of professional software developers and covers a broad range of topics – from the future of web frameworks to possible attacks on machine learning systems and expert opinions on the state of Java. It also contains a tutorial for the programming language TypeScript.

The magazine is created by heise Developer in cooperation with the Vienna-based IT job platform WeAreDevelopers. For the first time, the magazine is published in English and includes articles by international authors. The summer issue is arriving in the run-up to the WeAreDevelopers World Congress on June 14 and 15 in Berlin, where some of the authors will be present.

Nine interview partners and six authors share their knowledge on 42 pages. The most exciting developments in the Java world are highlighted in a detailed interview: Experts on the programming language give insights into their experiences with the upgrade to the LTS (long-term support) version Java 17, what they find interesting about the latest release, Java 18, and what features they would like to see implemented in the future.

The limitations of current web frameworks in the face of increasingly complex websites are also discussed in this issue, as well as the resulting demand for a new generation of web frameworks. As far as the future of machine learning is concerned, another article is dedicated to the question of how attacks on neural networks – so-called adversarial attacks – are designed and what defense methods exist. The authors use the example of autonomous driving to show which dangers may await and how developers can take this into account when training a model.

The international issue also features first-time authors who take a look at the bigger picture. One author shows how web developers can actively contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by choosing energy-efficient programming languages or switching to green data centres. Another author explains the advantages of increasing gender diversity in the DevOps sector, which is currently very low, and possible ways to achieve this.

Subscribers to c't will receive the summer issue of the "We Are Developers!" magazine in issue 13/2022, subscribers to iX in issue 7/2022. The iX download area provides a free PDF version.

Based on the idea "Young Professionals Write for Young Professionals," the editorial team is open for submissions. In addition to the English-language summer issue, the "We Are Developers!" magazine is published in German twice a year as a Spring and a Fall edition.
